Black Dragon Viewer Windlight
black dragon viewer windlight

  1. #Black Dragon Viewer Windlight Full Throttle Against#
  2. #Black Dragon Viewer Windlight Update Available With#

I came interested in it because I heard it can use more graphics memory than LL/Firestorm viewer. I haven’t ever shared these Windlight Settings before, even though tons of people have asked Please enjoy them, and let me know if you like themI'm very new to Dragon viewer. My Facebook page reached 1,000+ likes this week As a thank you gift to all of my loyal readers, I have packaged five of my favorite Studio Windlight settings for you to download.

black dragon viewer windlight

Black Dragon Viewer Windlight Update Available With

Failing to enable any of these settings will completely change how colors and specifically how bright or dark the world in the Viewer looks. On top of your monitor settings, Viewer settings also play a big role, what kind of graphic settings are enabled, how are they configured and then on top of that there are also WindLight settings, every WindLight is different and customizing it means there are uncountable numbers of extra possibilities how dark or bright a part of a whole scene can be.Generally speaking however the Viewer settings were built with "Deferred Rendering", "Shadows", "Tone Mapping" and "Color Correction" enabled at the very least. Your screen settings and even your color settings play a vital role in how everything looks in the end. I couldnt be more proud of Overall I've spent years in preferences to organize it and give an ever-growing amount of settings a consistent feeling, having all options logically categorized, all of them looking almost identical, using proper labels, having long descriptions to explain what they do, getting rid of input ways that made it harder for the user to understand what is going on (do you know what LOD 4 means? In comparison do you know what Object Quality High means? Object Quality is much more telling and "High" is something everyone understands, —“4” is not)…And here's Niran's response to confusion over Black Dragon's display looking too dark - and user resistance to the default WASD controls:Brightness is a complex topic, everyone uses a different monitor (or TV, like in my case). Tomorrow I am going on a trip, I will take my laptop with me to prepare the launch of the WATER ICE, but in a few hours you will have the ILLINOIS PACK (EEP) update available with an extra windlight. For instance, on user preferences:Firestorm needed to apply the same graphical visuals for the 3D world because of Shared Experience rule and replace Windlight with EEP (you must not provide any feature that alters the shared experience of the virtual world in any way not provided by or accessible to users of the latest released Linden Lab viewer, see.

black dragon viewer windlightblack dragon viewer windlight

I use Black Dragon strictly for photography now, but put it away when I want to relax or need to do tasks.As when Viewer II was introduced, you can clobber people over the head and call them names and accuse them of simply being lazy change-resistant sloths, but it's a dividing line that made Firestorm the most popular viewer in SL.We learn to walk when we're babies, and if we're lucky, we don't have to do it again. SL isn't just screenshots you know.The old Nirans's viewer was one of the most magical experiences of my SL and Niran will always be appreciated for that. Screenshots don't tell the whole tale. Yeah some of it's from enthusiastic users and people who aren't techy who don't know they can get the EXACT SAME screenshot quality from any viewer.but you need to get control of your own PR before it gets too much more aggrandizing.This means you Hamlet, this whole "Black Dragon makes SL look like a AAA game" thing you do needs to stop.because it doesn't. And we all know the cliche: "The customer is always right"Yes, it's open source and they don't pay you and you do it to fill your own itch.but they're still your "customers" whether you like it or not.And personally I think some of the hyperbole about your viewer's capabilities needs to be walked back a tad.

Oops, I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say or think that.Wednesday, Septemat 07:49 do have to agree partly here about the PR thing, i've said this in the HF Forum as well where they quoted this specific "AAA" post. It's interesting the concept of SL as this kind of libertarian society, has settled into a sometimes very authoritarian and monopolistic world. I find the photography rewards of Black Dragon worth the pain, but it's still pain.Be a good trooper and just accept the change that you don't understand, didn't want, shut up, and it doesn't belong to you. Some make it an occupation, but for others, it's a grueling chore that they only do because they have no other choice.Using Viewer II and Black Dragon was like having to learn to walk with somebody else's legs.

Black Dragon Viewer Windlight Full Throttle Against

I'm aware how this works but this is my Viewer, ultimately you are under my control, i don't have anything to lose, i don't fear my users nor their reaction. And it did didn't it?About the "customer" part. I mean he wasn't lying when he said that, it's just that the Viewer doesn't make everything always look like a triple A game (and not like the best either), that's something you as reader have to understand though, its a flashy title to get your interest. Hardly anyone reads a post if the title basically spoils the entire news already, what's the point right? Same here, you want people to view a post, you gotta have to find something that sounds interesting to people even if that sometimes means going full throttle against a wall. Doing advertisement, reviewing, blogging or generally rehashing news for users often involves selecting a good title.

I've done this several times in the past already. This goes as far as sitting down with you and making in-between updates just for you to try and fix your issue ASAP. Which brings us a bit closer to this "customer" and what it means to me:You are a customer to me in that regard that i'll offer you any support i can give you that does not interfere with my plans for the Viewer if you chose to seek me out for support.

black dragon viewer windlight